Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk Hardcover Review

The realm of Dungeons & Dragons is ever-expanding, gifting avid players and imaginative Dungeon Masters with new realms to explore and epic quests to undertake. The latest addition to this vibrant universe is “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk,” described as a timeless dungeoneering adventure. It beckons both seasoned and fledgling adventurers to dig beneath the surface of the beloved Phandalin for a new, heart-pounding escapade. The question on everyone’s lips, though: does this highly anticipated hardcover journey deliver on its promise of both nostalgia and novelty?

Shining a spotlight on the next chapter of adventure, “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” rides on the coattails of its renowned predecessor “Lost Mine of Phandelver,” a tale that has held a special place in the annals of D&D history. But it’s not just the legacy that piques interest—this publication promises to blend treasured quests with fresh horrors lurking beneath a well-trodden path. (See if it made our list of best D&D modules of all time!)

Players are whispering across forums and reviews, their voices a cacophony of excitement, fond recollection, and a hint of concern. Some are quick to hoist their banners in support, while others guard their wallets, wary of a possible corporate cash-grab. Our mission here is to delve into the book’s depths to unearth whether “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” is truly the gem fans hope for or if its sheen is but a cunning mirage.

Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk Hardcover Review

Paul Bellow



In summary, if your heart yearns for a return to Phandalin, and your hands itch for new challenges, “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” awaits. With the promise of old friends, novel adversaries, and perhaps, a dash of controversy, this hardcover is a piece of a story shaped by, and for, the imaginations of the legions who sit at the gaming table. Dive in and let the dice fall where they may—your next grand D&D narrative begins beneath the cobblestones of Phandalin.


Overview of the Adventure

Nestled within the pages of “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” is a high-fantasy expedition that starts off in the familiar Phandalin but swiftly descends into the unknown. The town stands on the precipice of destruction, teetering at the hands of a malevolent entourage, and it is up to the heroes to traverse the underbelly of their homely haunt to repel the darkness.

Designed to cater to both initiates to the world of D&D books and veterans yearning to return to Phandalin’s embrace, the adventure weaves a story rich with D&D themes, tinged with a porridge of horror that is neither too bland nor overwhelmingly spicy for the fantasy palate. True to form for an official D&D adventure book, it promises to guide new Dungeon Masters through their inaugural campaign forging, while offering players an entry point that feels every bit as welcoming as the fireside of a wayside inn.

Integration with the Lost Mine of Phandelver

This new volume is more than a sequel; it’s a direct continuance of the adventure many know by heart. Seasoned players will find pleasure in the resurgence of fond challenges from “Lost Mine of Phandelver,” now leading to a more sinister journey. Yet, the chatter in the community centers around whether this coupling of old and new is a harmonious matrimony or a forced union. Critics and die-hard fans alike have been quick to express that, for some, the shadows over Phandalin might not cast as far as hoped, leaving them yearning for a seamless, interlaced experience.

Enhancements and Additions

An engaging character in a D&D chronicle is nothing without a menagerie of mythical beasts to outwit and enchanted artifacts to wield. “The Shattered Obelisk” does not hesitate to throw into the mix a bestiary of approximately two-dozen newly spawned creatures, each steeped in psionic magic and body horror to make every encounter memorable. Aspiring sorcerers and cunning rogues can expand their arsenal with new consumable metamagic items, mysterious Netherese amulets, and intriguing duergar magic. Fans have been vocal about their approval, noting the monsters and magical trinkets are a definite highlight, injecting an unprecedented energy into their table-top roleplaying sessions.

Value and Enjoyment Factor

But a D&D book’s worth is measured by more than its strange new creatures and shiny baubles—it’s the depth of the story and the flexibility of the campaign that truly ensnares the heart of the beholders. Priced as a premium D&D hardcover, the book’s value proposition has been met with mixed reviews. Some commend the robust nature of the materials presented, while others critique the price hike in comparison to prior Wizards of the Coast offerings. Nonetheless, the consensus does trend toward enjoyment, especially for those who favor dungeon crawls infused with a good dose of nostalgia from their roleplaying games.

Packaging and Production Quality

The adage goes: “never judge a book by its cover.” However, the true measure of a collector’s edition lies in its longevity and the craftsmanship of the tome. Responses about the production quality of “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” are varied, with a handful of reports lamenting damaged deliveries. These misfortunes aside, the book is generally praised for its well-written content and aesthetic illustrations—a true gem befitting a seasoned D&D player’s shelf or an aspiring collector in the realm of roleplaying games.

Our Overview: Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk

After sorting through a mosaic of opinions, “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” emerges as a robust expedition for both the D&D initiate and the storied traveler. It brandishes the banner of “Lost Mine of Phandelver” with pride, embarking on a journey that respects its roots while bold enough to etch its path.

For those seeking an entryway into the dense forest of D&D adventures, this volume serves as an inviting trailhead. The book appears to walk the tightrope of releasing a worthwhile expansion to an existing adventure while ensuring the essence of the original is not eclipsed by the new.

In summary, if your heart yearns for a return to Phandalin, and your hands itch for new challenges, “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” awaits. With the promise of old friends, novel adversaries, and perhaps, a dash of controversy, this hardcover is a piece of a story shaped by, and for, the imaginations of the legions who sit at the gaming table. Dive in and let the dice fall where they may—your next grand D&D narrative begins beneath the cobblestones of Phandalin.

FAQ: Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk

Welcome to the FAQ section for “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk,” an expanded adventure that builds upon the beloved introduction to Dungeons & Dragons found in “The Lost Mine of Phandelver.” This new adventure promises an engrossing journey through familiar locales and into the depths of the Underdark, scaling from 1st to 12th level.

Whether you’re an experienced DM looking to extend the fun or a new player seeking an immersive experience, “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” is designed to offer a compelling and cohesive narrative for everyone at the table. Below, we’ve compiled a list of the most common questions to help you get a sense of what this adventure has in store and how it might fit into your D&D campaign.

Q: Is “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” worth playing?

A: Yes, if you’re interested in expanding on the beginner adventure of “The Lost Mines of Phandelver” and delving into a darker, more challenging storyline that can take players up to level 10, “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” is considered a rewarding experience worth picking up.

Q: What are the main differences between “The Lost Mines of Phandelver” and “The Shattered Obelisk”?

A: “The Lost Mines of Phandelver” is a shorter adventure designed for levels one through five and is aimed at introducing new players to D&D. In contrast, “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” extends the adventure up to about twice the length, taking characters through a more complex storyline that can last up to level 12.

Q: Should I consider buying “Phandelver and Below”?

A: The consensus is that “Phandelver and Below” is an adventure worth getting, whether you’re new to D&D or familiar with the Phandalin setting. It offers a blend of excitement and horror that might appeal to a wide range of players, as long as they’re not too faint-hearted.

Q: Does “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” serve as a sequel to the original adventure?

A: While not a direct sequel, “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” acts as a continuation, designed to take characters from level one and potentially carry them through to level 12. This extended adventure enriches the original plot from “The Lost Mines of Phandelver” and offers an opportunity to continue into a new narrative arc.

Q: How many sessions does “The Shattered Obelisk” typically last?

A: “The Shattered Obelisk” provides content for roughly three to four gaming sessions, giving players a substantial amount of playtime.

Q: What can I consider playing after completing “Lost Mine of Phandelver”?

A: If you’re looking for adventures that take place near Phandalin and serve as a sequel to “Lost Mine of Phandelver,” you can explore “Storm Lord’s Wrath,” “Sleeping Dragon’s Wake,” and “Divine Contention.” These adventures are a good fit and are a cost-effective option for continuing your D&D journey.

Q: How extensive is “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk”?

A: “Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk” consists of a hardcover book with 200 pages that provide a detailed adventure for players and DMs to delve into.

Q: What character levels is “The Shattered Obelisk” designed for?

A: “The Shattered Obelisk” is designed for characters starting at 1st level and is intended to support their progression all the way up to 12th level.

Q: Is “Lost Mines of Phandelver” a good choice for beginner D&D players and DMs?

A: Yes, “Lost Mine of Phandelver” is considered an ideal adventure for first-time players and Dungeon Masters, offering a friendly introduction to the game mechanics and storytelling.

Q: At what level do characters typically finish “Lost Mines of Phandelver”?

A: Characters that participate in the “Lost Mine of Phandelver” adventure will typically reach 5th level by the time the adventure concludes.